Naming and Endowed Gift Opportunities

Endowing a Named Professorship at The Rockefeller University
Establishing an endowed chair for a distinguished professor at The Rockefeller University is one of the most significant investments a donor can make in scientific research. Rockefeller's laboratories are headed by highly creative scientists, selected for the breadth of their knowledge, the intensity of their focus, the ingenuity and effectiveness of their methods, and the significance of the questions they choose to tackle. The highest recognition that the University can bestow on one of these scientists is a professorship, or endowed chair, named in accordance with the donor's wishes.
Endowing a Named Fellowship
Endowing a graduate or postdoctoral fellowship at The Rockefeller University helps the institution continue its long-standing tradition of preparing young investigators for careers in the biomedical and related sciences. Rockefeller has provided doctoral training for aspiring scientists who have gone on to win the Nobel Prize. Scientists and physicians who have done postdoctoral study at Rockefeller have gone on to fill key positions at major research institutions, medical schools, hospitals, public service organizations, and corporations around the world.
Among the prestigious fellowships that have been created in recent years are the Raymond and Beverly Sackler Fellowships, for physicists tackling biological questions, and the John C. Whitehead Presidential Fellowship, for a promising early-career scientist working in any field.
Endowing a Named Clinical Scholarship
A gift in support of the University's Clinical Scholars Program is an investment in the careers of young physician-scientists who are dedicated to applying the new insights of molecular biology to the understanding and treatment of disease. Clinical Scholars are outstanding young physicians - scientists who come to the University for rigorous training that integrates their experience in clinical practice with cutting-edge laboratory research. Serving as associate physicians at the University's 30-bed research Hospital, Clinical Scholars provide patient care and treatment while conducting disease-oriented investigations in laboratories affiliated with the Hospital.
Endowing A Named Lectureship or Distinguished Lecture Series
To endow a distinguished lecture series at The Rockefeller University is to create a powerful catalyst for scientific exchange and achievement. An endowed lectureship brings to the Rockefeller campus world-class scientists, who give scientific talks, meet with faculty and students, and interact with people throughout the University and the surrounding biomedical/scientific community. A lectureship can foster the interdisciplinary discussion that is often central to discovery. Because visiting lecturers typically spend time with graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, endowing a lecture series can have significant impact on the University's educational goals.
Other Naming Opportunities
A wide variety of opportunities to make naming gifts exists at The Rockefeller University. A donor interested in providing an assured source of research funding in a particular area or focusing on a particular disease or medical problem, for example, might endow a targeted research fund, the income from which would underwrite research in the selected area in perpetuity. (See Gifts to Advance Research in Specific Areas.)
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